Selected Work



Strategy / Creative

With a Black female director at the helm of the 2020 comic book adaptation and an international cast led by Charlize Theron, The Old Guard was set up to push traditional action genre boundaries. 

But with Covid-19 and global unrest as major challenges, Netflix had the tough task of launching their first entirely remote campaign for their summer tentpole. That meant us producing a remote content day and implementing render farms from our apartments.

Through a campaign that paid homage to the film’s comic roots through art activations and content that celebrated its core fanbase, we overcame the challenges and helped drive overall viewership and fanaticism for The Old Guard, making it their most streamed title of the quarter.

To tap into the comic book zeitgeist and stoke the rabid fanbase, we created a docu style short that illustrated the collective history of The Old Guard. The video’s script took first pen from Sid Lee and then was edited by Greg Rucka himself. We then procured geek icon Troy Baker who was on the precipice of stardom after narrating The Last of Us to ensure we had a voice that carried clout with the gaming community.

From creating fully custom C4D environments, lacing in comic book illustrations and creating custom motion design that brought iconic elements like Charlize’s beloved labrys to life, we created a piece that visually illustrated the film’s rich mythology through a variety of disciplines. This piece was used to create a follow up news cycle days after the film’s debut.

Two more campaign beats of note was our commissioned activation "Art From Around The World" and another featurette "Comics to Screen". Both of which, on top of everything else, locked in credibility with comic superfans and won over general geeks alike.

With a Black female director at the helm of the 2020 comic book adaptation and an international cast led by Charlize Theron, The Old Guard was set up to push traditional action genre boundaries. 

But with Covid-19 and global unrest as major challenges, Netflix had the tough task of launching their first entirely remote campaign for their summer tentpole. That meant us producing a remote content day and implementing render farms from our apartments.

Through a campaign that paid homage to the film’s comic roots through art activations and content that celebrated its core fanbase, we overcame the challenges and helped drive overall viewership and fanaticism for The Old Guard, making it their most streamed title of the quarter.

To tap into the comic book zeitgeist and stoke the rabid fanbase, we created a docu style short that illustrated the collective history of The Old Guard. The video’s script took first pen from Sid Lee and then was edited by Greg Rucka himself. We then procured geek icon Troy Baker who was on the precipice of stardom after narrating The Last of Us to ensure we had a voice that carried clout with the gaming community.

From creating fully custom C4D environments, lacing in comic book illustrations and creating custom motion design that brought iconic elements like Charlize’s beloved labrys to life, we created a piece that visually illustrated the film’s rich mythology through a variety of disciplines. This piece was used to create a follow up news cycle days after the film’s debut.

Two more campaign beats of note was our commissioned activation "Art From Around The World" and another featurette "Comics to Screen". Both of which, on top of everything else, locked in credibility with comic superfans and won over general geeks alike.

With a Black female director at the helm of the 2020 comic book adaptation and an international cast led by Charlize Theron, The Old Guard was set up to push traditional action genre boundaries. 

But with Covid-19 and global unrest as major challenges, Netflix had the tough task of launching their first entirely remote campaign for their summer tentpole. That meant us producing a remote content day and implementing render farms from our apartments.

Through a campaign that paid homage to the film’s comic roots through art activations and content that celebrated its core fanbase, we overcame the challenges and helped drive overall viewership and fanaticism for The Old Guard, making it their most streamed title of the quarter.

To tap into the comic book zeitgeist and stoke the rabid fanbase, we created a docu style short that illustrated the collective history of The Old Guard. The video’s script took first pen from Sid Lee and then was edited by Greg Rucka himself. We then procured geek icon Troy Baker who was on the precipice of stardom after narrating The Last of Us to ensure we had a voice that carried clout with the gaming community.

From creating fully custom C4D environments, lacing in comic book illustrations and creating custom motion design that brought iconic elements like Charlize’s beloved labrys to life, we created a piece that visually illustrated the film’s rich mythology through a variety of disciplines. This piece was used to create a follow up news cycle days after the film’s debut.

Two more campaign beats of note was our commissioned activation "Art From Around The World" and another featurette "Comics to Screen". Both of which, on top of everything else, locked in credibility with comic superfans and won over general geeks alike.

With a Black female director at the helm of the 2020 comic book adaptation and an international cast led by Charlize Theron, The Old Guard was set up to push traditional action genre boundaries. 

But with Covid-19 and global unrest as major challenges, Netflix had the tough task of launching their first entirely remote campaign for their summer tentpole. That meant us producing a remote content day and implementing render farms from our apartments.

Through a campaign that paid homage to the film’s comic roots through art activations and content that celebrated its core fanbase, we overcame the challenges and helped drive overall viewership and fanaticism for The Old Guard, making it their most streamed title of the quarter.

To tap into the comic book zeitgeist and stoke the rabid fanbase, we created a docu style short that illustrated the collective history of The Old Guard. The video’s script took first pen from Sid Lee and then was edited by Greg Rucka himself. We then procured geek icon Troy Baker who was on the precipice of stardom after narrating The Last of Us to ensure we had a voice that carried clout with the gaming community.

From creating fully custom C4D environments, lacing in comic book illustrations and creating custom motion design that brought iconic elements like Charlize’s beloved labrys to life, we created a piece that visually illustrated the film’s rich mythology through a variety of disciplines. This piece was used to create a follow up news cycle days after the film’s debut.

Two more campaign beats of note was our commissioned activation "Art From Around The World" and another featurette "Comics to Screen". Both of which, on top of everything else, locked in credibility with comic superfans and won over general geeks alike.

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